Sunday, August 14, 2011


It's what I want... in my quilts and in my life... I want sunsets and sunrises. I want my hand held. I want sitting on old stairwells and walks down old alley ways... I want to be kissed in the rain! That is all.

Let the fun begin!

Nothing beats coming home from a long cranky day at work to find a big surprise on your door step!!!

Cracking open this big old box put a smile on my face REAL QUICK! 

And Cadence's too! She can't seem to understand that this big bright beautiful box is NOT a toy for her (its a toy for ME! ha!) 

The people at AccuQuilt have been fantastic. After seeing my blog listed in Quilters Home they sent this wonderful package out to me to give it a GO! I had my choice of three die cut designs. It was a hard decision, there is a lot to choose from on the GO Baby website. 

I finally ended up choosing these cute little birds, a set of stems and leaves and the fall medley mix, which unfortunately was on back order and didn't make it into the box =( They also sent me this nice little cutting mat. 

I'm really excited to try this baby out! Apparently it can cut up to six layers of fabric which means lots and lots of little birds! Cadence is gonna love it and I cant wait! NOW the most exciting thing about this AccuQuilt GO Baby is you, YES YOU can win one too! Thanks to the wonderful people at AccuQuilt I will be having my first ever GIVEAWAY! So make sure to check back soon!  I've got a great little project worked up with these dies in mind and once my fall medley arrives I'll be getting straight to work.

 Lets see what this little GO baby can do!!!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mr. Delicious

No matter how many jobs I work I just can't seem to make enough money to pay the bills, eat AND buy fabric! The solution is simple... stop eating! LOL But seriously I have been working my ass of ever since I had to cut back my hours at the quilt shop and while I love my new job it has really cut into my sewing time and its making me cranky! I've got all these projects floating around in my head but only 24 hours in the day and one set of hands!!! So if anyone out there would like to hire me to work from home with fabric AND give me a raise you just let me know ; )

Anyways one lonely night back in April I drew up this handsome fellow...

Margie calls him Edward... I call him DELICIOUS!
 Mr. Delicious has been hanging on my wall for over 3 month now giving me that sexy stare. I've been enjoying him so much I haven't had the heart to cut him up. I also had no color scheme in the works so there really was no point. UNTIL the other night while laying around with another real life "Mr. Delicious" (yeah yeah yeah its not all work that has been distracting me lol) I spotted this lovely pile of fabric nestled up against a painting done by my Aunt Linda.

Deep greens, purple and plum! PERFECTION!!! My Mr. Delicious finally has a color scheme! Don't you just love it when things work out like that! 

Needless to say the real life Mr. Delicious didn't know what to think when I sprung out of bed to take this photo LMAO. He will learn soon enough!